«Pendant des siècles, la Médecine s’est préoccupée de soigner. Aujourd’hui elle s'est donnée comme but de prévenir plutôt que de guérir.»
Pr Jean Dausset, Prix Nobel de Médecine, 1980
La Fondation Jean Dausset - Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain participe aux efforts nationaux et internationaux de recherche pour mieux déterminer le rôle du polymorphisme génétique chez l’Homme, tout particulièrement dans les maladies complexes, pour mieux les comprendre, les diagnostiquer et participer au développement d’une médecine personnalisée.

CEPH Publications by year

Major Publications2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

Olschwang S, Blanché H, de Moncuit C, Thomas G. Similar colorectal cancer risk in patients with monoallelic and biallelic mutations in the MYH gene identified in a population with adenomatous polyposis. Genet Test. 2007 Fall;11(3):315-20.

Chen YC, Kraft P, Bretsky P, Ketkar S, Hunter DJ, Albanes D, Altshuler D, Andriole G, Berg CD, Boeing H, Burtt N, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Cann H, Canzian F, Chanock S, Dunning A, Feigelson HS, Freedman M, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci E, Sánchez MJ, Haiman CA, Hallmans G, Hayes RB, Henderson BE, Hirschhorn J, Kaaks R, Key TJ, Kolonel LN, LeMarchand L, Ma J, Overvad K, Palli D, Pharaoh P, Pike M, Riboli E, Rodriguez C, Setiawan VW, Stampfer M, Stram DO, Thomas G, Thun MJ, Travis RC, Virtamo J, Trichopoulou A, Wacholder S, Weinstein SJ. Sequence variants of estrogen receptor beta and risk of prostate cancer in the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Oct;16(10):1973-81.

Brems H, Chmara M, Sahbatou M, Denayer E, Taniguchi K, Kato R, Somers R, Messiaen L, De Schepper S, Fryns JP, Cools J, Marynen P, Thomas G, Yoshimura A, Legius E. Germline loss-of-function mutations in SPRED1 cause a neurofibromatosis 1-like phenotype. Nat Genet. 2007 Sep;39(9):1120-6. Epub 2007 Aug 19.

Zanke BW, Greenwood CM, Rangrej J, Kustra R, Tenesa A, Farrington SM, Prendergast J, Olschwang S, Chiang T, Crowdy E, Ferretti V, Laflamme P, Sundararajan S, Roumy S, Olivier JF, Robidoux F, Sladek R, Montpetit A, Campbell P, Bezieau S, O'Shea AM, Zogopoulos G, Cotterchio M, Newcomb P, McLaughlin J, Younghusband B, Green R, Green J, Porteous ME, Campbell H, Blanché H, Sahbatou M, Tubacher E, Bonaiti-Pellié C, Buecher B, Riboli E, Kury S, Chanock SJ, Potter J, Thomas G, Gallinger S, Hudson TJ, Dunlop MG. Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 8q24. Nat Genet. 2007 Aug;39(8):989-94. Epub 2007 Jul 8.

Pascoe L, Zouali H, Sahbatou M, Hugot JP. Estimating the odds ratios of Crohn disease for the main CARD15/NOD2 mutations using a conditional maximum likelihood method in pedigrees collected via affected family members. Eur J Hum Genet. 2007 Aug;15(8):864-71. Epub 2007 Apr 25.

Schmitz A, Bayer J, Dechamps N, Goldin L, Thomas G. Heritability of susceptibility to ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis of human lymphocyte subpopulations. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Jul 15;68(4):1169-77.

Schumacher FR, Feigelson HS, Cox DG, Haiman CA, Albanes D, Buring J, Calle EE, Chanock SJ, Colditz GA, Diver WR, Dunning AM, Freedman ML, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci E, Hankinson SE, Hayes RB, Henderson BE, Hoover RN, Kaaks R, Key T, Kolonel LN, Kraft P, Le Marchand L, Ma J, Pike MC, Riboli E, Stampfer MJ, Stram DO, Thomas G, Thun MJ, Travis R, Virtamo J, Andriole G, Gelmann E, Willett WC, Hunter DJ. A common 8q24 variant in prostate and breast cancer from a large nested case-control study. Cancer Res. 2007 Apr 1;67(7):2951-6

Franceschi C, Bezrukov V, Blanché H, Bolund L, Christensen K, de Benedictis G, Deiana L, Gonos E, Hervonen A, Yang H, Jeune B, Kirkwood TB, Kristensen P, Leon A, Pelicci PG, Peltonen L, Poulain M, Rea IM, Remacle J, Robine JM, Schreiber S, Sikora E, Slagboom PE, Spazzafumo L, Stazi MA, Toussaint O, Vaupel JW. Genetics of healthy aging in Europe: the EU-integrated project GEHA (GEnetics of Healthy Aging). Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Apr;1100:21-45. Review.

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